Simplify 3D is actually Complicate 3D?

Don't Fucking Buy it ! or at least if you want to try it use the trial version, wait a sec, there is no trial version, ooh yeah because you can try the torrent pirated version (made by a guy with licensing issues), now go COPY THAT FLOPPY!

First this is 3D printing, this damn software is screwing the free 3d printing software and slicers,  for what ? faster slicing time ? better print supports? some crappy useless options ? same as the E3D Hotends where cheap clones print in the same quality and even better (the original jams while the fake won't !) Now if I'm going to spend time with your damn crappy software to put supports manually, there are trillions of ways to do it using Blender Meshmixer or 3DS.

Slicing options : Cura does the same and better, you can slice any piece of garbage even if it's not watertight Solid mesh, now for a simple model you download at Thingiverse, you will need to do more shit and edits to able to print correctly....No thanks

Print time : man forget about it! you are doubling the print time in all cases for just the same quality.

Scale Factor : DAAAAAAAMN ! is there anyway to enter values ? can I scale my model to 56,83% ? thanks Repitier. (oh one sec forgot to double click)

Preview mode and print mode : damn it, you can't move unless you slice your model again, guy who did this either smokes crack, or a sniper that prints only once.

Repair tools : bullshit! Netfabb , wait a sec they say : No need to patch together multiple software applications!

THE EXPERTS AGREE: SOFTWARE MATTERS ? yes it matters doesn't mean we should buy your crap, or that your Complicate3D is the best.

3D printing software has the greatest impact on print quality, even more so than the 3D printer itself! yeah like if you can Slice with Crappify3D and print with a microwave.

This piece of crappy software is made for people who can spend $3000 on printer that prints the same as a $300 one, if you are one of them go BUY THAT FLOPPY.

Simplify 3D is actually Complicate 3D? Simplify 3D is actually Complicate 3D? Reviewed by Moh.G on August 24, 2016 Rating: 5

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