Sketchup 3D DWG import - Flickering and Flashing Faces (Fixed)

You imported your 3D DWG file in Sketchup and bang! it's flickering, it fractures when orbiting, and everything disappears when you zoom or double click to edit a component or group, it may look fine in orthographic view, but when you switch to Perspective it's a bit festival of flashing or weird faces, the geometry won't render correctly, here is an example of a file worked on recently:

Sketchuop model looks Fine
In Orthographic view the model looks good

Flickering and Flashing Faces
In perspective view it's a total mess

Hers is how to fix it :

1- First step is to switch to orthographic mode from the the Camera menu > parallel projection to be able to see the model without any graphic issues, Shift+Z to zoom all.

2-  The model needs to be manually repaired by part, so select the desired part and either :

a- Explode it then group / make component from the exploded mesh

b- Group / make component from the selected part then explode what inside that part.

In case the problem remains try to delete the imported layers, move all existing geometry to the default layer, and purge the model. 



Sketchup 3D DWG import - Flickering and Flashing Faces (Fixed) Sketchup 3D DWG import - Flickering and Flashing Faces (Fixed) Reviewed by Moh.G on October 30, 2021 Rating: 5


  1. Your way is working but it is working for small files. My 3d is from revit so there too many groups in the 3d files. And I tried to explode but my computer crushed multiple times. I am wondering that is it possible to change origin point in revit.

  2. Yes I worked on large files imported from Revit, and it's the same issue, requires manual repair, and the crash is inevitable, did you try to make group first then explode what's inside ? you may also do copy what's inside paste in place then make group.

    Also the mess goes beyond that with duplicates, guess one could play with the export settings , layers , or may be export by part.


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